State of Being Alphabet | K is for Kismet

Painting 11.

This started as being J – Jejune (adj. intellectually unsatisfying, shallow) but I couldn’t grasp it. It didn’t feel right; it had too much texture and depth. Not good for a painting supposedly portraying shallowness.

This series of paintings is a journey for me to find my style and what I love doing. And I think I am getting there; after finishing Galvanic I found myself interested by the depths and highlights of colours I achieved.
The drama that could be found in the colours and textures was captivating and I wanted to do it again.

Kismet is about destiny and fate. Is everything predetermined?
I believe our destiny is a multitude of possibilities. It is the choices we make today that aligns the way to our kismet.

K is for ‘kismet’
n. destiny, fate

Decorating with art – Using large art for impact

What do these pictures all have in common?

They use a large piece of art to draw focus to a particular area. Choose a large print to compliment the colours in your room and create a talking point, or even a starting point for a gallery wall.

State of Being Alphabet | F is for fulgent

This piece is something very different than what I have done in the past because it depicts a still life of flowers. I loved a sketch I did from a photo and wanted to portray the loose resemblance of flowers – not getting too perfect.

The background had little sections of highlights and the flowers represent the brilliance of nature.

F is for “Fulgent”
adj. Shining, brilliant.

I would love to hear your feedback about this piece!